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What do think is the media's responsibility in influencing the relationships between the races?


Anonymous said...

Media feeds into the negativity. They spend more time highlighting how bad others races are and don't spend enough time showing the positive things that our people do. They are quick to point out and detail our wrong doings, but can be pretty discrete or vague when describing their wrongdoings.

Anonymous said...

As a media employee, I strongly believe that the media plays a big role in race relations. For some, the media is their main source of information regarding other races. When the media depicts a vivid picture of negative images as they pertain to certain races, the viewer/reader tends to form negative views regarding the culture as a whole. This view is then manifested in the viewer/readers behavior towards that culture. Thus creating an environment of fear, aggression and misconceptions!

Anonymous said...

The media’s responsibility is to keep the dialogue going. The best way to prevent misunderstanding is to communicate. This conversation on race show was an excellent example of what the media should be doing to heal this country and bring us all to greater understanding.